Most websites have an inquiry form or “Contact Us” feature. This lets you enter a message and send it via an e-mail form on the website. Unfortunately, sometimes this doesn’t work properly and you never actually get the message.
This usually isn’t your website’s fault, it’s often due to problems with your e-mail servers. No matter how it happens, if an e-mail fails to reach you it can be a serious problem.
Luckily for you, Market Street builds your website with a feature that automatically makes a backup copy of your “Contact Us” messages for you to review online.
When you are logged into your website you can review your messages by clicking on “Inbound Messages”. You will see a list of messages that the “Contact Us” form should have sent to you. If everything worked properly you received the original e-mail message in your e-mail program. If not, we’ve got you covered. Simply click on the copied message’s subject to open it.
Once open, you can see all the information that the person put into your “Contact Us” form. If you want to delete this particular copy, simply click on the “Move to Trash” link in the top right side of the display. If you want to leave it alone, simply click back on the left menu panel anywhere. You could even click on the menu item “Inbound Messages” again to return to the list of messages for further review.
Yay! You have a special feature that helps you to keep in contact with your clients by making sure you never miss a message sent via your “Contact Us” page. That’s one less thing for you to worry about.
“Great Southern Mail Route” Photo by SMU Central University Libraries
Photo by SMU Central University Libraries