You may not know this, but, Facebook actually wants your business to succeed and grow.
How does Facebook want to help? Facebook has articles on their site targeted at any business person that uses Facebook. These articles are open to the world to view, you do NOT need to be a Facebook user to read and reference them (at least not at this time). The ultimate goal of these articles are to help you generate more business or improve your interaction with your target audience.
Of course, they also want to sell you Facebook Ads, so you have to take everything they write with a grain of salt. However they aren’t afraid to share a few pearls of wisdom in order to entice you.
The section of their website I’m referring to is:
I am going to expand on one Facebook article that caught my eye. Below, I’m quoting from this article from late Summer of 2015 on Facebook for Business. Here’s the “gem” I want to highlight:
Last year nearly half of online shopping traffic came from mobile and 56% of in-store sales were influenced by mobile activity.
So your Website needs to be mobile friendly. Of course. This isn’t the 1990’s when tablets and smartphones didn’t exist. Actually, now that I think of it, its almost the opposite. We now live in a time where smartphones and tablets rule and PC’s hide in the corner gathering dust.
When a website is mobile friendly we call that being “responsive”. All of the websites that Market Street builds are responsive. Responsive essentially means that your website will adapt the display of information on your viewer/customer’s display based on the actual size and orientation of their display.
One characteristic of a responsive website is that it won’t have any annoying pinch and zoom or scrolling left and right needed when using a smartphone or tablet.
Keep in mind that Google has stated many times that they consider whether or not your website is mobile friendly when they rank it in their search results and that they do favor mobile friendly sites when the search is being done on a mobile device.
I want your honest opinion. Is your website “Mobile Friendly?” If not, doesn’t that mean you are losing 1 out of every 2 visitors to your website? Do a quick estimate in your head: over the course of a year how many prospects, leads and actual sales are you losing if you aren’t using a responsive website to get your message out?