This charming former High School building houses an eclectic mix of retail stores, fitness and wellness clubs, performance venues, athletic events, and professional services firms like “yours truly” – Market Street.
When my landlord had me develop a website for the building she was a little skeptical of the value it would return. I saw it as a wonderful challenge, especially given the budget. 🙂
The First Street Community Center’s website advertises for the almost 2 dozen businesses and community organizations that call it home. As one of the most active public venues in the area numerous community organizations use it as their “go to” performance and meeting space.
The website promotes all of the various musical events, theatre performances and variety shows that make use of the small but attractive 142 person theater space and three other public venues.
The four main venues can be used for concerts, parties, classes, basketball games and much more. Each venue has its own “near-real-time” reservation calendar and dedicated venue description page. Reservations for any of the venues are easily made via the simple contact form or by phone.
Using a full-featured events calendar, a “News” section, and an active email newsletter the website provides promotion online that is coordinated with Facebook and Twitter social media accounts to keep the community informed of the events held here.
Recently, some of the resourceful shop owners have started offering arts and crafts classes to the public as a nod to when this historic schoolhouse was a bustling hub full of students.
NOTE: This is one of Market Street’s first online property management clients. We provide technical maintenance and upkeep on the website, monitor security, monitor backups and test restores, interact with the hosting provider and provide day-to-day event posting and promotion services including copywriting, photo editing, social media strategy and much more.